5 February COVID-19 Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Dear Parents

Yesterday, Mr Mark McGowan, the WA State Premier, announced that, if there are no further cases of community transfer of COVID-19 in WA, the lockdown will end at 6pm tonight (Friday 5th February) and school will commence on Monday 8th February.  TRANSITION OUT OF LOCKDOWN WA GOVT INFO

However, there will be restrictions in place until Sunday 14th February that relate to schools such as:

  • MASKS – As during the lockdown period everyone must continue to wear a mask while in public and while at work (unless exempt for medical reasons). This  will apply from Monday 8th February.  All school staff and secondary students must wear a mask. Masks are not required for Primary School students. Secondary students need to wear masks during school hours. Please ensure that your children have their own masks ready for school start on Monday 8th February.
  • TEACHERS – All staff will be wearing masks at school as announced by the Premier. Teaching staff are permitted to remove their mask if teaching at the front of the classroom to enable clear enunciation.
  • COVID-safe measures including the use of contact registers and SafeWA will continue to be crucial as part of post-lockdown life.

HOW TO MAKE A MASK – Please find at the link below for how to make and launder a cloth mask  https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2020/07/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-make-a-cloth-mask.pdf

Arrangements for Day 1 of Term

  • Drop off and Pick Up of students: Secondary and Primary students will be dropped off at the school gates (Swallow Tail and Currie Street) where teachers will meet and guide them to their classrooms.
  • Kindy parents:  Kindy parents may drop off their Kindy children at the classroom to settle them in on their first day at school.
  • New families:  Families new to the school may bring their children to Student Services in the admin building and teachers will accompany new students to their classrooms.

COVID Hygiene – Hand sanitising will continue at the gates each morning. The College will keep on encouraging and reminding students about the importance of this. If children are unwell you are asked to keep them at home.  Additional COVID cleaning at school will also continue until further announcements by the Department of Health.

Please Note: Parents and other visitors to the College Office or the Uniform Shop will need to scan our QR code on their SafeWA App or sign the contact register when coming on campus during school hours. (This does not include parents dropping-off and picking-up at children and the beginning and end of the day.)

We will update you with information as it is released.  Thanks, again for your cooperation, and God bless you!

We wish all of our students a wonderful first day.  We look forward to greeting them all on Monday.

Francois Pienaar

College Principal