20 March COVID-19 Update

Dear Families,

I provide below the most up to date information received from the Department of Education yesterday.  You will be aware the College has been reviewing its upcoming events for Term 1 and information has already been sent to families regarding changes in light of changing restrictions.

While the Department of Health advises that the risk of transmission in Western Australia remains low; they are monitoring the situation and we are acting on their advice to take any necessary precautions for schools and our staff. The current focus is on minimising and preventing transmission and making sure that our school system is prepared for a possible case.

Western Australians should remain alert, but not be alarmed. The Department of Health has a snapshot on the current situation in Western Australia  here.

Attendance at School

On Sunday 15 March, the Prime Minister introduced measures placed on international arrivals into Australia. This means a mandatory 14 day self-isolation requirement will be placed on all international arrivals into Australia, including returning Australian citizens and residents, effective from 15 March, 2020. This applies to students, parents/carers, contractors, visitors and volunteers on school sites.

If this applies to your family please read the Isolation Guidance at the link below.  It is important for the sake of the community that anyone in home isolation follows the clear guidance provided to ensure isolation is as effective as possible in controlling the transmission of COVID-19. 


Students or staff cannot attend school or work and need to self-isolate if they have also been informed by public health authorities that they have been in close contact with a confirmed case and they must isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case. Students or staff who have tested for COVID-19 should follow the advice of the Department of Health and stay away from school whilst awaiting results.

A medical certificate is not required to return to school. Schools will record the student absence as an Authorised Absence.

International travel

The Smartraveller level advice for all Australian’s travelling overseas has been upgraded to a level 4 – ‘do not travel overseas at this time’. This is the highest level of advice (level 4 of 4). All international school excursions are banned.

Non-work travel advice

Employees should consider the latest  Smartraveller advice about travel before proceeding to travel overseas or making a booking.

Front line services and mass gatherings

On Wednesday 18 March the Australian Government announced that all organised, non- essential mass gatherings attended by more than 100 people for indoor events and more than 500 people for outdoors events must be cancelled from Wednesday 18 March

2020. Please refer to the updated advice regarding mass gatherings to supportprincipal decision-making.

Please refer to  Healthy WA for more information on the Prime Minister’s announcement.

The announcement was very clear that there is no need for school closures.

If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact me.

With kind regards

Mr Francois Pienaar
