The Benefits of Outdoor Education in Schools

The Benefits of Outdoor Education in Schools

Outdoor Education provides opportunities for students to develop positive relationships with our environment through sustainable outdoor experiences. Outdoor Education engages students in a practical and theoretical context beyond the classroom, where they develop practical skills and an understanding of nature through first-hand experiences.

Learning experiences placed in natural settings have various benefits, including the development of teamwork and leadership skills, critical and creative thinking, self-reliance, independence and the development of deeper human-nature relationships.

Here are some of the benefits of outdoor education:

Developing human-nature relationships – educational time in nature creates strong connections to the natural environment and allows students to appreciate nature as a health-giving resource, rather than a danger. Students that understand and appreciate nature are far more likely to preserve the environment and role model sustainable practices.

Teamwork and leadership – planning and preparing, being organised, working together, having a leadership structure and having an incident response plan are important skills and responsibilities for those who spend time in natural environments. In this way, students learn to foster their adventurous spirit while engaging in healthy, non-competitive, lifelong physical activities.

Critical and creative thinking – outdoor learning can develop students’ ability to think logically, critically and creatively in response to a range of nature-based issues, ideas and challenges. Students critical and creative thinking skills can be developed through exposure to new and novel experiences that encourage them to pose questions, seek and explore appropriate alternatives and design strategies to implement their decision.

Self-reliance and independence – Outdoor Education camps allow students the opportunity to be accountable for their own decisions and routines. They are given the freedom and accountability to make conscious and positive decisions to grow as independent individuals.

Living Waters Lutheran College provides activities and experiences beyond the classroom through our Outdoor Education Program for Years 9-12. Across the Program, students are provided access to numerous nature-based opportunities, including surfing, mountain biking, snorkeling, kayaking, rock-climbing, abseiling, bodyboarding, navigation, camp cooking and generic camp skill building activities.

If you are interested in finding out more about how our College builds bright futures, please download our Prospectus.