Easter getaway cancelled? Here’s the ultimate guide for planning the school holidays during Coronavirus

Easter getaway cancelled? Here’s the ultimate guide for planning the school holidays during Coronavirus

There’s no doubt that the Easter school holidays are a little different to what we had in mind just months ago. For many, family traditions sadly cancelled, road trips or holidays postponed, and family gatherings looking much smaller than anticipated. Luckily, we are all in this together – sharing the same emotions during these peculiar times.

It can be overwhelming planning each day with kids when confined to isolation for the most parts of each day …  but, need not fear, we’ve put together the ultimate guide for planning the school holidays during Coronavirus.

There’s always a silver lining and we think this could be the most fun school holidays yet!

Here’s the ultimate guide for planning the school holidays during Coronavirus:

 1. Change up your bedroom
Encourage your child to redesign their bedroom on a piece of paper, and once it’s finalised, together you can start physically moving and reshuffling. It’s not only fun, but also a therapeutic activity.

2. Cooking day
A popular activity in these isolation times, and never disappointing. Sit down with your child and go through some cookbooks together. Flag some recipes and enjoy a day of cooking and learning at the same time.

3. Movie marathon
There’s no better time to binge on some classics! Consider Star Wars, Jurassic Park or a Disney movie marathon.

4. Grow a veggie patch
If you have the outdoor space to do so, this is a very rewarding activity for children. Consider planting some vegetables or herbs (or, strawberries are always fun). Encourage your child to understand the importance of looking after their veggie patch such as watering and sunlight exposure.

5. Build a cubby house
Be prepared for a lot of pillows and linen. Build a cubby house or a teepee tent with your child inside your home.

6. Crafting day
Painting, drawing, crafting, building – a day of crafts is always good for the soul. If your child does not enjoy arts and crafts, consider a life-size puzzle instead.

7. Lego contest
Building Lego actually offers a vast range of health benefits. It’s great for relieving stress and improving communication skills. Big W have an affordable range of Lego products, including Frozen and Harry Potter.

8. Slip n’ slide in your backyard
One to be added to the childhood memory bank. If your backyard permits, enjoy a day of slip n’ slide on a sunny day. If you don’t have the bits and bobs, consider buying or making your own. 

9. Build the house of your dreams
Does your child have an eye for detail or design? There are lots of mobile apps available to children to create their own virtual reality. Dr Panda is great for the younger ones, or there are a range for teens.

10. Hand make gifts to post to your family and friends
Use this time to hand make gifts for your grandparents, neighbours, family and friends and pop them in the post box on your next walk! Home-made candles are a great option.

11. Touch up your resume
One for the teens – what better time to sit down and touch up your resume in preparation for job applications? Or, help your younger one create their first ‘mini’ resume.

12. Explore DIY on Pinterest
Pinterest has never-ending ideas and it’s perfect for times of isolation when you’re struggling to think of new and exciting activities.

13. Host your own Stand Up Comedy Show
If your child has a feel for the stage, inspire them to host their own comedy or drama show in front of the family in the lounge room. They could even create their own production tickets.

14. Create a memory book
Your child can fill it with photos, memories, handwritten quotes and sentimental touches. You could even print polaroid film from your phone to be delivered to your home to include in the book.

15. Declutter!
An extremely valuable activity for mental clarity. Communicate the importance of decluttering and organisation with your child as you work through the wardrobe and drawers together.

16. Board game night
Set up around the dining table and enjoy a night of your child’s favourite board games.

17. Create your own signature dish
Whether or not your child enjoys cooking, spark some excitement around the idea of planning and creating their own signature dish.

18. Build a pet house
A very cool activity that all children can enjoy – KidSpot has some great tips.

19. Explore different sports
Ask your child what sports they might be interested in trying for the first time. Perhaps game of tennis, volleyball or bocce?

20. Make your own moss balls
Add some green to the home and make your own moss balls – a wonderful activity both parents and children can enjoy together.

You can stay up to date with Living Waters Lutheran College’s COVID-19 announcements here.

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