During the Secondary years in school, students begin to develop a strong sense of their own identity, individuality and dreams; their future direction becomes important. They start to view themselves as adult members of society and become increasingly independent – both in school and in their personal life. They begin playing a major role in the decisions that affect their lives and shape their learning. Additionally, their personal goals and future directions assume much greater importance to them.
Living Waters Lutheran College acknowledges and supports these factors. Structures and pathways are implemented in our education to equip Secondary School students with the foundation for future success in their lives. This includes paid and unpaid work, present and future study, family and community life as well as leisure and recreation.
Every young person deserves access to an outstanding education. One that challenges, inspires and grows them as individuals. One that nurtures a love of learning and empowers students to achieve their best and be their best. One that ensures all students have the tools to be fully equipped for their future lives. Academic achievement is, of course, essential but is only part of the process. At Living Waters Lutheran College, we aim to create independent, creative and confident individuals who are skilled and ready for the world, and resilient to the challenges they face.
Accordingly, curricular and co-curricular opportunities are provided for the spiritual, academic and personal development of each student.
Mrs Deborah Kluczniak
Head of Secondary School